"The Pantheon of Bird Deities" comprises a collection of intricately woven sculptures that have been brought to life as wearable art pieces. Throughout history, the phoenix and the peacock have served as enduring symbols of "rebirth" and "courage" in diverse cultures. While the quote "Rise like a phoenix from the ashes" is well-known, the peacock was believed to have a unique ability to consume poisons such as fear and suffering and ease negative energy, thereby embodying the concept of "acceptance" and "compassion." I express these values of resilience and bravery through intricate, unconventional, and hybrid textile practices. Each piece is carefully handwoven using natural fibers and traditional and ancient backstrap weaving methods. This project was exhibited at the group exhibition HYBRID at Mana Contemporary in Jersey City, NJ, and the solo exhibition Rise like a Phoenix from the Ashes at Loop of the Loom in New York, NY.