"Whispering Streams" is a woven art series and project I initiated during the artist residency program at Sakata Orimono Textile, a traditional textile atelier in Hirokawa City, Fukuoka, Japan. They stand among the select few establishments that uphold the intricate and complex traditional textile technique called Kurume Kasuri, a Japanese Ikat. Kasuri (=絣) means Ikat in Japanese and boasts a rich history and profound significance in Japan. The name reflects the unique dyeing process and patterns that seem scratched/faded in Japanese Kasu-reru. Kurume Kasuri in Fukuoka region is especially distinctive in how vertical warp and horizontal weft threads are woven to create highly complex patterns. This provides a captivating visual appeal and an unparalleled wearing experience that matures with time. In 1957, UNESCO registered Kurume Kasuri as an intangible cultural heritage, a testament to its three centuries of continuous inheritance and refinement. However, modernization has cast its shadow, and the number of ateliers capable of weaving traditional Kurume Kasuri is declining. Sakata Orimono has been invaluable in preserving this cherished cultural legacy. Profound gratitude to Mr. Kazuo Sakata and the dedicated team at Sakata Orimono and Hirokawa City for their generous support during my residency program. The artworks were exhibited at Artexpo New York at Pier 36 NYC in New York, NY.